Rain or shine–Gospel is good in all weathers!

“How Excellent is Your Name”

Hallelujah, You’re Worthy

and “Keep on Makin’ a Way”–

all from our Third Sunday concert at Christ Episcopal

Click below to read more about our concert and the third Sunday series:

nola.com article

Last year was a good year for Shades, with appearances at New Orleans Jazz Fest, Our Lady of Guadalupe, St. Charles Baptist, NOLA East Festival, and Gentilly Festival —
ending appropriately– with Christmas performances! Three of them:
the Algiers Bonfire, Caroling in the Chapel with Ursuline Academy for the Shrine centennial,
and First Presbyterian

Miss Christmas already? Try listening to a couple of songs from Shades Christmas concerts

Go Tell it on the Mountain

Magnify the Lord

Videos & More Below!!

Shades of Praise Unity Project

In the summer of 2020 Shades got together –at a distance– to speak up for racial justice and unity.
Click above to watch.

Another Covid video was “According to Your Faith” written and arranged by Maestro Dwight Fitch, Sr.

In 2016 Shades helped the National Park Service celebrate their 100th birthday!

Shades Makes Number 3 on Gambit’s Bucket List
In September 2014, Gambit Magazine’s 21 Guide included Shades Thursday night rehearsals
on their Bucket List of things to experience living in New Orleans!

Gambit's 21 Bucket List Cover

No 3 on Gamibt Bucket List